A year and a half after returning to Canada, my current work reflects my new environment. It contains elements of my previous series, Trees as Witnesses, and the medium and materials are similar. Layering continues to be essential to my work. I have printed photographs of nature in various seasons on paper and superimposed painted acrylic sheets. These hover over the narratives below.
Winter in Canada is presented in its stark beauty. Scenes of snowy woods reflect cold blue skies and are over-layed by brooding birches. The play of light on Adirondack chairs in a grassy yard in Idaho evokes a summer day. Autumn is depicted in a riot of colour found in the trees and fallen leaves on the grounds of the Governor General’s residence.
The trees are ever-present and observing. Dappled light, fractured and multilayered, reflects the complexity of everyday experience. Shadowy figures are barely visible in the profusion of flecks and dabs.